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Aria-describedby - table summary vs describedby

Table using summary attribute

Male and female names
Male Female
John Mary
Peter Jenny
<table summary="A chart comparing different names">

Table using aria-describedby

Comparing fruit, veggies and meat
Veggies Fruit Meat
Lettuce Apple Beef
Carrot Pear Pork
Potato Orange Lamb

Additional information

This table is a detailed comparison of fruit, meat and veggies for those that care.

<table aria-describedby="table-summary">
<p id="table-summary">This table is a detailed comparison of fruit, meat and veggies for those that care.</p>
Support chart
OS Browser NVDA 2014.4 JAWS 16 VoiceOver
Windows 7 IE 11 x x
Windows 7 IE 8 x x
Windows 7 Chrome 39 x x
Windows 7 Firefox 34 x x
OSX 10.9 Chrome 39 x
OSX 10.9 Firefox 34 x
OSX 10.9 Safari 7 x

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