
The :lang selector

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The :lang selector targets any element that contains the lang attribute and the relevant language subtag value.

Defining a language

All web documents should be defined with a language to assist devices, search engines and assistive technologies.

The primary language for each web document can be defined using the lang attribute inside the <html> element.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <h1>Hello world</h1>

The lang attribute can be added to HTML elements to define languages for sections of a web document.

<!-- Italian -->
<div lang="it">
  Mi sei mancato molto

<!-- Latvian -->
<span lang="lv">

The values inside the lang attribute are called Language subtags.

These language subtags are defined in the IANA Language Subtag Registry.

The :lang selector (CSS2)

The :lang(c) pseudo-class selector is written using an optional element, followed by a ":", followed by "lang", followed by "(c)".

The "(c)" is a language subtag placed inside brackets.

/* syntax */
:lang(c) { }
E:lang(c) { }

/* French example */
p:lang(fr) { }
/* Punjabi example */
span:lang(pa) { }

Whitespace is not permitted within the selector.

/* Valid */
:lang(bs) { }

/* Invalid */
: lang (bs) { }

How does it work?

This selector targets any element that contains the lang attribute and the relevant language subtag value.

In the following example, only the <p> element with lang value of fr will be selected.

/* CSS selector */
p:lang(fr) { }

<!-- HTML markup -->
<p lang="fr">Adieu</p>
<p lang="jw">Sugeng rawuh</p>


W3C Selectors Level 4
Status: Working Draft

Selectors Level 3
Status: Recommendation

CSS Level 2 (Revision 1)
Status: Recommendation


The :lang(c) pseudo-class selector is not supported in IE6 or IE7.

Exercise 1: Write a :lang selector

Open this HTML file in an editor:

Write a CSS rule to style any element with a lang attribute to be color: plum. But only elements that have a language subtag of (fr).

/* Add styles here */
:lang(fr) {
  color: plum;

Check your work against the finished HTML file:

Russ Weakley

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