
Simplex Component Library

A simple, flexible component library that can be used as a base for complex websites and applications. The word "simplex" comes from the Latin for "simple".

Simplex provides:

  • non-opinionated styles for all HTML elements
  • a series of simple and flexible utility classes
  • a simple grid system
  • a small set of re-usable components

Simplex uses OOCSS principles and a naming convention originally defined by BEM, then extended by Nicolas Gallagher and Harry Roberts. The Simplex code base can be accessed via GitHub.


A wide range of native HTML elements that have been reset for use.


Utility classes can be used to adjust aspects of the layout without having to write specific CSS components.


Components are re-usable blocks of HTML that have been abstracted down to a single purpose.


This is a simple 12 column grid based on the Bootstrap Grid.